
Liability Form

JB’s Indoor Dog Park Agreement and Release of Liability

I understand and agree that JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC, and its employees will not be liable for problems, damages, or injuries caused to or by my pet during its visit to JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC. I agree to be solely responsible for any and all actions or behaviors of my per while at JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC. I hereby release and agree to assure and hold harmless JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC from any liability because of my dogs’ presence and involvement in any of JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC activities. 

I understand that JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC open play areas are places where animals interact in groups. I recognize that there are inherent risks, illnesses or injury when dealing with animals. Similarly, I understand that when dogs play in groups, they may sustain injuries. I understand and agree that any problem or injury that develops with my dog is my responsibility.

I understand that I am responsible for any harm caused by my dog at JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC whether to dogs or human patrons or to JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC staff. I shall indemnify and hold JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC harmless against any claims made against JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC or losses or damages of any kind suffered by JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC because of my pet, its behavior or condition, or my failure to inform JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC of any pre-existing condition my pet may have including but not limited to (such as illness or aggressive tendencies). I understand and agree that in admitting my dog to JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC, JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC staff has relied on my representation that my dog is in good health and has not harmed or shown aggressive or threatening behaviors towards any person or any other dog. I understand that JB’s Indoor Dog Park LLC has complete discretion in determining if my dog is suitable to remain in the facility.

By signing below, I certify that I have read and understand the above and agree to abide by the terms of this agreement.

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